Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Picture Frame Redo's

 A while back I had decided that we should put our kids' pictures that had been in the laundry room in the kitchen . . . and while I was doing that, I may as well paint the frames so they would go together and get enough frames so there would be enough . . .

This is what it looked like in the laundry room before we changed everything (it is kinda very embarrassing to show this picture . . . please excuse the junk mess . . . we need to get that cleaned up.)  But yeah, you can see that it didn't really look all that great . . .

And this is after, in the kitchen.  I painted all the frames with a primer and spray paint mix, then got all the glass washed and the photo's put back in.  I made the family letters in clay at the beginning of this year (ha ha - they're definitely not perfect, but when they're that high up above the window, I doubt it'll be that noticeable:)   We tied the letters up with some twine.  I think they look cute:)

 Guess what one of my next projects needs to be now?  Here's a hint: there's a big, empty, boring space over the computer desk in the laundry room . . .

Have a wonderful day!!


Abigail Spaulding said...

Looks very nice! Thanks for sharing. Love & God's
Peace, Abby

Mrs. Mike and kids said...

Looks nice! Must have been great fun! ~Kimberly